Pretreatment: AHC Hair Oil just may be our most versatile product! It can be applied to your hair and scalp before your shampoo and conditioning routine. It is also light enough to be applied to your hair before (and after) styling. Feel free to also apply our hair oil prior to curling or blow–drying your hair.
Moisturize: Use our hair oil on locs, wet hair when lacking moisture, if hair is frizzy, or if hair needs to be detangled. AHC Hair Oil can also be applied in the morning, before you go to sleep, or before taking a shower. This will allow it to penetrate the hair follicles. AHC Hair Oil can also be used as a hot oil treatment. Use caution while applying hot oil to the scalp; may cause burns. It also pairs perfectly with AHC Leave-in Conditioner. Men with beards or mustaches will also benefit from its use. Lastly, hair oil can be used on hair that just needs to shine.